What Happens When People Ask For Help Even If They Ignored Your Suggestions When You Suggested?

Hello everyone I hope you all are doing well in your life.

#Savaj 515

People ignore when others want them to do something good for them, and others think they don't do it because they ignore people, not things. Most people continue suggesting even if they know that others ignore their words, and others don't revert until they trap in unwanted situations. Those situations make them ready to do it, and people think others do it to tackle situations and don't help, but only a few know that people have a learning attitude and they help.


Do You Think Other Don’t Do Something That You Want Because They Ignore You?

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. How all are you doing today? I hope you all are enjoying well in your lives. Have you ever thought that most people ignore you whenever you want them to do something good for themselves? People ignore when others want them to do something good for them, and others think they don't do it because they ignore people, not things.

Did people ignore your words and suggestons?


Do People Continue Suggesting Even If You Ignore Their Words?

What did I observe is that if people come to know about something good for others, they want them to do it for themselves to improve their life. But, people ignore them. At that time, most people think others ignore them, not the things they suggested to do. Most people continue suggesting even if they know that others ignore their words, and others don't revert until they trap in unwanted situations.


Do You Think People Have To Do It To Tackle The Situations?

Whenever people ignore others who suggest them to do something that is good for their lives, people come to know that others ignore them, not the things they suggest to do it. However, because of good things and positive attitude, people keep on suggesting others to do it even if they know that others completely ignore their word and them. But, what happens is that others don’t come to them until they get trapped in unwanted situations. Have you ever noticed like this situation? You may have contacted someone whom you ignored because you trapped in some unwanted situations. Or someone might have contacted you after ignoring you, because you were suggesting to do something when he or she trapped in unwanted situations. What do you do at that time? Do you help or ignore because they ignored you? Those situations make them ready to do it, and people think others do it to tackle situations and don't help, but only a few know that people have a learning attitude and they help. So, keep updating yourself, and help others even if they ignored your suggestions. You will learn many things from it.


What Happens When People Ask For Help Even If They Ignored Your Suggestions When You Suggested?

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